Social Movement Technologies
Para ativistas e organizadores africanos: uma série de 4 episódios, de outubro a novembro de 2022

Manifestação contra a violência de gênero na Cidade do Cabo, África do Sul. Crédito fotográfico: Barry Christianson.

Lista completa de todos os treinamentos de SMT a serem realizados aqui.

Esta série é para ativistas e organizadores que moram na África. A série conta com exemplos e considerações africanas e é conduzida por membros da equipe da SMT na África, com o apoio de colegas de outras regiões.

Inscreva-se na série realizando o pagamento na parte inferior da página e participe das sessões do seu interesse. Interpretação para o francês e português. Legendas nas gravações em inglês, francês, português e outros idiomas sob demanda (séries separadas apresentadas em espanhol e interpretação para o português, além de séries apresentadas em árabe).

As sessões de 90 minutos acontecerão às 15h00 em Nairobi | 12h00 em Acra | 14h00 em Joanesburgo


1.  Canal de informações de ativistas para incentivar campanhas organizadas pelo povo | 4 de outubro de 2022

Sua organização tem uma lista de pessoas que se inscreveram em sua lista de e-mail ou assinaram uma petição, o que você solicita a elas para criar uma força poderosa para alcançar mudanças? Muitos ativistas e organizadores estão perguntando:

  • Como engajar pessoas suficientes? 
  • Como transformamos novos apoiadores em potencial em líderes ativos de ações virtuais e presenciais?

Aprenda como:

  • Convidar novos apoiadores para funções virtuais e presenciais significativas e viáveis para compartilhar o trabalho de criar campanhas e movimentos poderosos
  • Combinar as ferramentas e etapas certas para facilitar a inscrição das pessoas
  • Criar espaços virtuais para ajudar a construir uma comunidade entre as pessoas
  • Criar um sistema de apoio para que as pessoas permaneçam e desenvolvam-se
  • Construir um alcance pessoal para cada novo apoiador em seu fluxo de trabalho
  • Estar pronto(a) para eventos desencadeadores quando o problema que você aborda for notícia e se tornar mais fácil engajar pessoas
  • Automatizar o que puder, para fazer mais coisas mesmo em uma equipe pequena
  • Medir e avaliar o progresso no engajamento de pessoas em diferentes níveis
  • Adaptar-se a um ambiente com dificuldade de acesso à internet

2. Action Network: uma ferramenta para agir e gerenciar dados em campanhas do poder popular | 19 de outubro de 2022

Você está usando o MailChimp para enviar e-mails ou para suas petições? Se sim, você precisa desse treinamento! Aprenda mais sobre uma ferramenta para movimentos (Action Network) projetada por e para ativistas, usada em campanhas em todo o mundo – de ativistas de Mianmar que lutam contra os militares ao movimento palestino BDS (Boicote, Desenvolvimento e Sanções), a ativistas que lutam contra a mineração em Madagascar. Use a poderosa versão gratuita para enviar e-mails, criar petições e guardar todas as informações de seus apoiadores.

Aprenda sobre as limitações das ferramentas de e-mail que não são ferramentas de ação e por que é tão importante ter e controlar sua própria lista de apoiadores. Falaremos sobre o GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation (Regulamento Geral de Proteção de Dados) e considerações sobre o local de armazenamento de dados.

Aprenda como:

  • Usar a versão gratuita para criar e publicar uma petição
  • Enviar e-mails para signatários de petições e outros na sua lista
  • Usar mensagens de texto ou mensagens do WhatsApp caso seja mais eficaz para algumas partes da sua lista
  • Criar e enviar um convite para um evento 
  • Criar um formulário de inscrição ou petição e incorporá-lo no seu site
  • Criar uma petição atrativa ou página de evento para enviar às pessoas caso não tenha um site
  • Criar uma campanha para enviar e-mails para um alvo

3. Twitter para pressionar alvos e obter atenção da mídia | 3 de novembro de 2022

O Twitter é uma ferramenta poderosa para se envolver com a mídia, visando corporações e funcionários do governo, além de engajar o suporte global.


Os quenianos usaram o Twitter junto com a ação direta para obter uma lei que protege as áreas de recreação de seus filhos de desenvolvedores gananciosos. Os palestinos usam o Twitter para destacar a violência do Estado israelense no cenário global e obter apoio de celebridades e corporações. Ativistas indianos de direitos humanos usam a rede social para lutar contra a intimidação policial. O Twitter foi uma ferramenta chave no movimento argentino bem-sucedido pelos direitos reprodutivos… Existem inúmeras maneiras pelas quais ativistas e movimentos estão usando essa ferramenta poderosa.

Aprenda como:

  • Usar o Twitter estrategicamente para intensificar a pressão sobre os alvos, incluindo como orquestrar Twitterstorms (tempestades no Twitter) poderosas e “sequestrar” hashtags
  • Encontrar e engajar novos aliados regionais e globais, especialmente com a ajuda de uma ferramenta gratuita poderosa
  • Cultivar jornalistas e obter cobertura da mídia
  • Fazer sua conta crescer de forma rápida e estratégica usando 2 ferramentas gratuitas poderosas
  • Monitorar os resultados usando outra ferramenta gratuita
  • Montar um plano de ação para o Twitter usando o modelo de plano para o Twitter da SMT

4. WhatsApp para engajar nossa base | 17 de novembro de 2022

Como o aplticativo mais usado no mundo todo, organizadores estão usando o WhatsApp de maneiras criativas para aumentar o poder popular. Aprenda como organizadores estão usando o WhatsApp para criar e campanhas em prol da mudança:

  • Para que serve o WhatsApp 
  • Usar listas de transmissão versus grupos e alterações futuras nos grupos
  • Construir e gerenciar uma equipe de voluntários de grupo no WhatsApp
  • Gerenciar vários grupos e facilitar a participação neles
  • Criar conteúdo para impulsionar o compartilhamento e a tomada de ação
  • WhatsApp para arrecação de fundos
  • Campanhas de chamadas perdidas
  • Chamadas para ação que funcionam
  • Uma ferramenta de baixo custo para organizar grupos e enviar mensagens em massa personalizadas para uma lista de usuários do WhatsApp
  • Comparação de ferramentas para gerenciar mensagens para campanhas maiores
  • Quando um chatbot no WhatsApp pode ser útil, como eles funcionam e quanto custam
  • Desenvolvimentos no acesso de vários administradores e como gerenciar uma conta em uma equipe
  • Como gerenciar riscos, especialmente sob vigilância patrocinada pelo estado e quando usar o Telegram ou o Signal
  • Como desativar o compartilhamento de dados com o Facebook

Custo da inscrição

  • US$ 40 por pessoa, para participar da série
  • Taxa de grupo acessível: US$ 500 para até 50 pessoas. É preciso enviar uma planilha de inscritos com o nome, sobrenome, organização, título e e-mail para [email protected] com vários dias de antecedência antes do treinamento, para que dê tempo de realizar a inscrição
  • Registre-se gratuitamente aqui se for indicado por um parceiro de divulgação. Você deve encaminhar a mensagem de comunicação em massa recebida do parceiro de divulgação para [email protected]
  • Desconto de 10% se o pagamento da inscrição for efetuado até 30 de setembro de 2022

O pagamento pode ser realizado usando um cartão de crédito abaixo, que inclui uma taxa de 4%. Entre em contato conosco se estiver pagando pelo menos US$ 600 em taxas de inscrição e desejar receber uma fatura para pagamento por transferência bancária (ACH grátis: taxa internacional de US$ 20). Se estiver pagando por outra pessoa ou várias pessoas, explique a situação no campo “Note”.

Após o pagamento, você receberá um e-mail com o link de inscrição do Zoom. Esse link pode ser compartilhado com outras pessoas para as quais você pagou a inscrição.

Groups Banner

Staff and activists of 4,900+ groups
have engaged with SMT trainings


This program has boosted my confidence in organizing and sustaining digital campaigns.
"I have found the webinars and trainings by SMT to be timely, relevant and incredibly useful in my work. I work often at the intersection of climate and labour and have been thrilled to see the trainings you organize have met my needs in advancing my work."
It was powerful hearing directly from groups across the country using these powerful tools to win campaigns and create real change.
I got a LOT out of it...the idea that comms can be used not just to “raise the visibility” of my organization, but to build power -- to move people, engage them, get them to do something concrete to push our social justice work forward. The strategies and tools shared were super helpful, and have already had measurable impact. Staff is fantastic - knowledgeable, responsive, thoughtful, collaborative.
I was able to immediately use the tools I learned and apply them to our organization. The program was intense, but I loved every minute of it and learned more than expected.
This training provided invaluable clarity and direction for my digital organizing work, empowering my team to work more effectively.
The program was an eye-opener and better positioned me as a Communications Officer. I learned about digital mobilizing, online community building, and more.
SMT helped us build an integrated, strategic approach to a union contract campaign. SMT’s work is sophisticated and flexible–their support was invaluable.
Our strategy sessions with SMT have really energized our vision for what we need to do…In 90 minutes, we were excited and encouraged about how we could better our media and communications work.
I want to express my continuing and deep appreciation for SMT’s staff. We’ve made great strides and SMT has been catalytic…Among other things–fast, smart, patient, thorough, skillful handling of the website makeover. You guys pulled it off quickly and affordably.
Having access to experts through the certificate program was amazing. The course is so practical. I set up google ads for the first time and created our digital security policy and implementation plan. Our whole team uses the campaign strategy template now. Now we know how to improve our email deliverability and started a texting program.
El DCCP es un programa súper completo que cubre casi todos los aspectos de las campañas digitales y el activismo digital. Durante el año que pasé en el programa, aprendí a usar muchas herramientas y tácticas nuevas así como también mejorar en las que ya estaba usando. Y he estado aplicando felizmente lo que aprendí en mi trabajo de campaña con Amnistía.   
Our coach was an everyday reminder of what we needed to do. He checked in and followed up on us. It really helped us activate Twitter in our campaigns and tighten up digital security. We moved from just having a Twitter handle to building on a hashtag that saw a jailed human rights activist released from prison.
SMT developed a custom training for our youth climate fellows from around the world. It was a holistic training on creating campaigns from strategy to implementation and building our activist base. We appreciated SMT’s attention to detail around language and inclusion and always thinking about power building.
Incredibly knowledgeable…Weekly coaching has been a great experience. Keeps us on track. Staff is flexible, creative.
For anyone who wants to dive into the world of digital communications, this is the training for you!
The program offers excellent support, knowledge, and peer collaboration for learning about organizing and campaigning.
The digital training was expertly executed and helped me develop new ideas and best practice to implement in our campaign.
[The Digital Campaigning Certificate Program] is a wonderful course with a great amount of information to get you started on understanding how digital can work for your own organization.
SMT taught our staff and leaders to use Twitter strategically, understand the intricacies of Facebook for organizing…They respond quickly, have real world organizing experience, do really solid webinars that leaders and staff can engage with.
Great ability to eloquently name a few top communications gaps that we could easily fix and increase our impact. The summary document is highly valuable; we will refer to it in our future planning!
This is great for C3's to understand what they SHOULD be doing during elections. I think there is much more space for C3s to take the GOTV initiative.
I would recommend SMT to anyone looking to be more effective online. We are definitely going to experiment with the directions SMT gave us in our strategy session. Very valuable to have consulting from organizers who are keeping up with all the latest.
Great information on how to make emails more impactful and spur action. Great to get direct feedback on a sample email.
Without SMT we would not have been able to move our organizing from the field to the digital arena during COVID. They helped us set up systems, coached and trained our folks, helped us troubleshoot and launch digital outreach efforts all in crucial campaign moments. Can’t speak highly enough about what their help meant!
Our experience to date has been wonderful, helping us make the migration from one CRM to another as painless as possible…a life saver, terrific. Quick to respond, SMT staff provide clear explanations that avoid all the techno-garble.
"I learned so much about different labour movement actions. The digital part was huge, along with actually just understanding the range of tools that are available to organizers. I knew about petitions, about actions in the street, but seeing how differently they could be appleid in so many unique contexts was really exciting. I feel like I got an entire history of the labour movement.
Taking this course really transformed my organizing skills to be more effective.
This program has been a great experience for me personally and for my work. With the few campaigns going under way I’m excited to show my colleagues what I have learned from SMT!
[Story-Based Strategy] was awesome. It was sort of a refresher and a reset for me as an organizer and a social worker. I took a great deal of notes.
SMT's training helped me use my journalistic skills effectively to highlight people's struggles and create change. Using Twitter more effectively, we supported Syria's refugee camp hospital to get more media attention and raise funds to respond to the hospital's needs as well as build visibility on the issues affecting refugees.
Recomendamos totalmente a las organizaciones de América Latina que se sumen a los cursos de SMT para mejorar y desarrollar su activismo digital. Las herramientas y conocimientos que adquirimos a travez de SMT fueron utiles para lanzar Fondo Defensores. Todo lo que hemos aprendido lo hemos podido implementar para el surgimiento de nuestra organización y para comunicar nuestro mensaje.  
I learnt a lot on grassroots movements, digital campaigns and communications in times of state intrusion or threats.
We hired SMT to help with some ad campaigns. Folks are professional, experienced, and communicative. Knowing what was happening at different stages helped me understand what was going on in our programs. I was never embarrassed to ask questions. The SMT staffer explained everything that would happen, why he was doing something, how he'd accomplish it, which was great. It made me feel like we were working collaboratively. SMT also provides a lot of great trainings to the progressive community to equip people and organizations to do this work on their own.
The Digital Campaigning Certificate Program was immensely helpful, and I continue to apply its learnings in my daily communications and strategizing.
This program helped us harness effective tools and tactics that are aligned with our movement's needs and organizational values.
SMT helped us craft an effective public narrative for our campaign to get a mine closed. SMT helped us finalize a campaign strategy and come up with an effective plan to raise visibility and engage the public. Our campaign led to a pause in the mining. We will keep fighting!
SMT helped us choose an appropriate database for our organization. Its focused training sessions are valuable tools that have helped us further a conversation with our grassroots leaders about strategically building a more powerful, goal-oriented organization.
SMT's coaching was incredibly supportive, encouraging and accessible. SMT had a huge impact on evolving La Semilla's storytelling program. Through SMT coaching, we diversified our digital communications. Having SMT as a source of resources and as a thought partner has been incredibly impactful to our work.
The Design Apprenticeship course helped me become bolder in my design choices. I became confident enough to push for a more systemic approach to design in the team, developing templates and guiding other creative colleagues. This program was pivotal in my development as a designer!
I really liked the A.I. custom training session, especially the parts tailored to our workstream and with examples pulled from our staff. It really helped to situate the tools in our work and open our team's minds to the possibilities.
The assignments provided a better understanding of how the nuts and bolts of digital organizing fit together.
This program greatly helped integrate our thinking on organizing and digital campaigning. I wish all our organizers and digital staff could undergo this training.
I found a lot of value in this Certificate Program that I use in my everyday work: from using social media effectively; significantly growing accounts and activating people online, pressuring targets in campaigns, and running Twitterstorms. Even when using other tools, I still apply the principles I learned!
Love it!” (mobile optimization of
I received input on how to align field and digital work which is directly connected to the advocacy research that we are doing.
SMT’s knowledge of the organizational use of different CRMs and migration between them was very helpful.
I felt supported by a community of hundreds throughout my learning journey.
Learned invaluable skills, gained practical knowledge, and connected with inspiring professionals.
I initially thought this program was centered around communications, but it offered so much more. It provided an inside perspective on organizing work and how communications integrates with it.
Trainings run by SMT are solid, accessible and worth checking out.
We’re starting our third straight year providing grantee partners with Social Movement Technologies training and coaching…our grantees are in good hands.
SMT’s training on using WhatsApp to activate our bases helped us activate more leaders by creating conversational WhatsApp groups for members and assigning different leadership roles to volunteers.
SMT helped us think through what type of CRM we need and choose a texting platform to reach our base. SMT’s coaching has been instrumental in helping us develop a social media strategy that communicates our message through the voice of the young people involved in our organization. 
Our staff took a lot of SMT courses – including the intensive Digital Campaigning Certificate Program. It helped us take our digital campaigning and collectivizing actions to the next level! We used various tools to increase our follower base and successfully target authorities to take action at the village and municipal levels in India.

SMT was like a breath of fresh air in its approach to empowering small nonprofit organizing efforts. With not much funding, we were able to connect SMT to a few organizations in our network to provide analysis, coaching and hands on technical support. Here at Universal Health Care Foundation of CT, SMT gave us strategic help to up our game with our online organizing and engagement…particularly helpful in guiding us to a more savvy, productive use of social media.
The online coaching sessions have been really good for helping us make decisions about what makes the most sense for us to incorporate…and what we can let go.
Super helpful process with our staff and leaders to ID new tools we can use to reach our target folks.
Highly recommend it for individuals in civic organizations looking to enhance their technological campaigning skills!
The coaching sessions provide practical tools for making our social media move from passive clicktivism to actually doing something.
Our staff have taken SMT’s excellent trainings over the past five years. Mastering the strategic use of digital tools is essential to advance social change online. SMT’s offerings are a much-needed and unique resource. And they are responsive and committed to meeting the needs of participants. We’re thrilled to partner on the new Global South track of their Digital Campaigning Certificate program, which is a need that we expressed and they acted on promptly. Thank you SMT!
I had an amazing time. I am already applying the valuable content in my organization.
Each session was well-facilitated, skillfully blended presentation, discussion, and practical exercises, allowing me to immediately apply techniques to my work.
I found the email coaching course to be extremely helpful. I thoroughly enjoyed that this exercise involved everyone working from the same assignment. It made the feedback that much more helpful. I think this has been one of the best SMT sessions that I've taken.
Last year, we worked with SMT on a census campaign with Native Voice Network, and we got so much direct campaign support, one-on-one coaching. I spent a lot of time doing just one-on-one coaching support with ads. after that I felt super empowered and fearless to just navigate all these different tools in the universe. So it was a really great and helpful experience for us.
SMT helped GAIA use LinkedIn to reach a key constituency we were having trouble reaching - thousands of people who play a specific role in the waste management industry. We got responses from key players.
Great coach for executing our group's livestream plan! Often we have little time to do comprehensive analysis or comparison of newer technologies, so it's important to consult with those with their hands on the tools, and have seasoned coaches in your corner who can help you execute plans.
I took the workers organizing in the digital age training. We really need this kind of training in Finland, which people in the US have had access to for some years. The training was effective to start organizing for instance on Twitter.
SMT is an amazing resource for starting digital organizing and communications and maintaining a program that engages members and moves them to action. There are a bunch of free and super reasonably priced webinars available so you can jump right in and focus on what you need to improve.The webinars have just been stellar. I've learned so much, especially from the Top Tools and Tactics to bump up your organizing game. I used the templates and resources to set up an editorial calendar and to track stats for our new social media channels. It was very easy to take what was presented in the training and apply it to my union immediately.
It helped me better understand, through the experience of like-minded organizers, how to use accessible digital organizing tools to support the efforts on the ground.
The one-on-one sessions have been invaluable given the expertise of everyone on the SMT team.
The Social Movement Technologies Digital Campaigner Certificate is an excellent opportunity for me to meet digital organizers from across the country who are doing important work fighting for social justice on digital platforms. Often times, we are isolated in our work whether it be regionally or by issue, but through this program I've learned so much about all the cool ways other organizers are engaging and building movements. I've also been able to refresh my own knowledge about digital campaigning and have learned about a ton of new technology, software, and platforms that can be used for positive social change. Thank you SMT team!
Working with SMT was easy and collaborative. The training helped our Greenpeace Southeast Asia team get new insights into campaign best practices across the globe.
SMT is a great resource if you’re looking to improve your organization’s social media presence and strategy.
The SMT trainings I’ve taken have helped us mobilize and deepen engagement in our communities. Through Twitterstorms, phone banking, and other tactics that I learned through SMT’s trainings, we succeeded in our call to #ExtendtheReg for a million young people who would otherwise be disenfranchised by anti-poor COVID policies.

SMT helped us create a social media presence to expand our cannabis worker organizing campaign. Our organizers have enhanced their social media capabilities. We have succeeded beyond our expectations. Working with SMT has been a great experience. They really understand organizing and communications.
SMT has worked with us to develop and implement a broad and integrated social media strategy. They helped our leadership understand the importance of such a strategy and taught our activists the basic skills to execute it. From website maintenance to targeted twitter campaigns, they are there when you need them and they understand that it is all about movement building.
The trainings are terrific–geared for every level of experience. And being rooted in social change movement, especially helpful to organizers.
The DCCP program enhanced my skills and provided valuable support. I've applied these skills in my job and community work. Well-designed and presented program!
SMT's expertise in social media, ads training, and particularly their personalized coaching, has been invaluable for navigating the unique challenges of the non-profit sector. SMT's guidance has empowered us to adopt new technologies and strategies, leading to our most successful social media ads campaign to date. Their support is a game-changer for organizations stepping into unfamiliar digital territories.
We worked with SMT to get tech support on our virtual townhall event. It was helpful getting advice from an expert on how to prepare for the livestream, and how to best make it smooth. It was a big lift off our shoulders being able to rely on someone who has experience doing it.
This program was pivotal in my early organizing career, providing a strong foundation for recognizing technology's power in social movements. It equipped me with tools to create effective systems for our organization and broader membership base.
The program gave my team the tools and time to strategise how our grassroots migrant organising translates to a digital context. I picked up tools like source codes, which then enabled us to see that more people were registering from Instagram than through any other platform and caused us to adapt our strategy. We also became SMT an Outreach Partner to enable our network to benefit from trainings at lower prices
We have had a fantastic experience with SMT…they have been highly responsive to the needs of our grantees.
We’ve heard really good things from our grantee partners. SMT has a strong, grantee-focused way of working.
For change-makers looking to harness people power for good. Expert presenters and experience sharing with classmates enhanced my knowledge and provided valuable, immediately applicable skills.
I view organizing in a whole new light. Everybody should have the opportunity to go through this experience, and get these tools, and start organizing.
I'm grateful for the opportunity to expand my organizing knowledge with SMT. It's sparked creativity, and I'm excited to put new ideas into action.
SMT is the only training I know of that speaks our language of activism and uses the tools we use everyday in the field. They are a go-to resource to help raise the bar for communications in the labor movement.
The course provided invaluable tools and strategies, real-world case studies from different cultural contexts, and a supportive learning environment that encouraged interaction and peer learning.
I'm still digesting the valuable information from this training and applying it to my work. Meeting activists worldwide and learning about important campaigns was inspiring.
I wish SMT had existed when I started organizing in 2010! I learned many of these skills on the fly, often through trial and error. Overall it is really helpful to learn about all of the new tools which exist, especially ones that non-profits can use for low or no cost. The presentation did a great job of outlining best practices for many different scenarios.
I appreciated connecting with passionate changemakers across the U.S. to discuss effective digital campaigning strategies.
We hired SMT to lead a discussion about online strategy with some of our union’s staff. It re-kindled my desire and commitment to using emerging technologies in my organizing!
This was a fantastic training experience and I learned a lot about emerging technology with lots of support!
The program made me think holistically about offline and online impacts.
I implemented lessons on personal narrative, public narrative and emails directly into my campaign, so this was an instant gratification. I loved learning from the other Digital Campaigning Certificate Program participants who came from around the world, working on different topics.
The Digital Campaigning Certificate Program is a great course to get to know all the different aspects of digital campaigning. What I like most about it is the consistent focus on building power.
Super useful and practical strategy session. Great to learn what we can do to our website and Facebook page to make them better tools, described in a way I can explain to my board.
Two things I valued most about the program were lifelong access to the course materials and case study walkthroughs from some of the most compelling organizers and organizing collectives we have in the field right now.
The webinars were very thorough, and the SMT team seems very responsive, broadly knowledgeable, and intuitive. The “WhichCRM?” questionnaire was helpful when I filled it out with my team. It helped us think about the aspects of a CRM we were looking for.
The program offered interesting case studies, expanded my digital campaigning knowledge, introduced new organizing tools and strategies, and enabled connections with professionals in the progressive space.
The program offered interesting case studies, expanded my digital campaigning knowledge, introduced new organizing tools and strategies, and enabled connections with professionals in the progressive space.
This program is very comprehensive and provides tons of tools and resources that have strengthened my skillset in digital organizing. This is a great program that I highly recommend.
SMT helped us launch our first petition campaign…great experience, ended up with vastly higher profile for our work.
Design firms told us our current site couldn’t be mobile optimized, but SMT did it cleanly and affordably. The site looks great and SMT was easy to work with and addressed any concerns we had.
SMT coaching enabled us to expand our presence within human rights spaces in Kenya beyond an LGBTIQ audience. It helped us use Twitter to connect with allies in the environmental justice and land rights movements. It was amazing to have someone to work with who knows our work and give us templates just when we needed them.
[SMT's WhichCRM tool] helped me make a side by side comparison without having to spend hours sifting through demos and websites on my own. Invaluable!
The program allowed me to deep dive into specific campaign strategies, learning from diverse examples of what worked and what could be improved.
This program was very useful for understanding the digital aspects of organizing workers and incorporating them into a comprehensive campaign toolkit.
"Skye's growth in confidence and strategic acumen through the SMT program has been a huge boost for our organization. She's also been able to bring tools, trainings, and ideas back to our entire staff team, making us more effective and responsive."
The benefits to us of regular coaching sessions were immediate.
I strongly recommend SMT. Their strong organizing background, preparation and thoughtfulness made our strategy assessment with them enjoyable and really helpful.
SMT’s staff is friendly, flexible, competent, creative…Efficiently implemented cutting-edge strategies and designed great-looking materials to communicate our message to our members. I’ll come back to SMT in a heartbeat.
SMT has been a great partner to co-design and launch a set of offerings that meet the growing digital and remote needs of the organizations we support, including bilingual access for our Spanish-speaking partners. The team is relatable, attentive and knowledgeable and their use of case studies helps to make complex information accessible!
SMT was really responsive to my questions and needs, and to customizing a training that met those needs. We had a collaborative relationship of understanding each other's needs and expertise, agreeing on outcomes and approach, and developing content.
The coaching has been fantastic. Staff has extensive understanding of the online landscape and strategy…jumped right into working with our members too, personable and supportive…great to work with someone who felt like a comrade and not just another non-profit consultant. I was amazed at SMT’s ability to connect us with experts or representatives of different online tools.
The program was an incredible journey of meaningful learning and connections with amazing advocates nationwide.
I found this course inspiring, especially the strategies part. Learning from diverse students with different backgrounds was enriching."=

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