Ready to help grantee partners build people power in the digital age?

Yes, I’m a social justice funder. Send me SMT’s Funder Newsletter once a month or so with resources to help our grantee partners build people power in the digital age.

Funders that have hired SMT

AJWS (American Jewish World Service) – Africa
AJWS – El Salvador
Amplify Fund
Andrus Family Fund
Evelyn and Walter Haas Jr. Fund
Food and Farm Communications Fund
Four Freedoms Fund
Groundswell Fund
Hyams Foundation
Liberty Hill Foundation
María Fund
NEO Philanthropy
Open Society Foundations
Panta Rhea Foundation
Perrin Family Foundation
Rose Foundation
Rx Foundation
San Francisco Foundation
Surdna Foundation
Tara Climate Fund
Wilburforce Foundation
Woods Fund


SMT has been a great partner to co-design and launch a set of offerings that meet the growing digital and remote needs of the organizations we support, including bilingual access for our Spanish-speaking partners. The team is relatable, attentive and knowledgeable and their use of case studies helps to make complex information accessible!
I found a lot of value in this Certificate Program that I use in my everyday work: from using social media effectively; significantly growing accounts and activating people online, pressuring targets in campaigns, and running Twitterstorms. Even when using other tools, I still apply the principles I learned!
SMT's coaching was incredibly supportive, encouraging and accessible. SMT had a huge impact on evolving La Semilla's storytelling program. Through SMT coaching, we diversified our digital communications. Having SMT as a source of resources and as a thought partner has been incredibly impactful to our work.
SMT helped us think through what type of CRM we need and choose a texting platform to reach our base. SMT’s coaching has been instrumental in helping us develop a social media strategy that communicates our message through the voice of the young people involved in our organization. 

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